New Developments

What needs to be done to start a new Econo Petroleum Facility?

This depends on whether there are existing retail and site licences or if it is a new development. Existing retailing facilities have the advantage of being exempt from start-up costs and already have captured a certain market segment whilst new developments need to comply with environmental legislation, zoning law as well as conform to Road Traffic Authorities, all of which are costs that are payable before any work on the development can proceed. This does not mean that New Developments are not welcomed, but simply that more caution needs to be exercised when investigating this option.


What is the first step in the Process to start a new Development?

The first step is to assess the viability of the site which requires the services of professionals within the petroleum sector. These professionals are Environmental, traffic and licensing. By involving the correct people at the beginning, both costs and time can be saved in this very specialised field. Factors that require consideration include zoning, heritage and flora and fauna reports as well as the location of competitors and the accessibility of the facility. Econo Petroleum therefore works very closely with a company, Petroleum Solutions who provide the complete solution to every client based on the site and each client’s needs – right from the zoning to the licensing phase.


Signage Proposal | Uraniaville


Econo LangPiet



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  • Petrol 93 ULP

  • Petrol 95 ULP

  • Diesel 0.05 Sulphur

  • Illumination Paraffin Wholesale

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